The Green Team Mission

To enhance environmental justice by embracing, living, and advocating for practices that are both earth friendly and equitable in our personal lives, our congregation, our community, and the world beyond.


Green Team ~ Opportunities

  • Monthly meetings – 2nd Sunday (noon to 1 pm)
  • Steering Committee and/or Volunteer – Let us know your preference!  Reach out to Debra or Lisa-Marie,
  • Earth Day 2025 — See  you in April 2025 for outdoor learning, eating and shopping.  Consider volunteering at 1U’s table while you are there.
  • Solar -The next solar co-op in our area will be launched in Fall 2024.When information becomes available, it will be posted on this Green Team page.  Also, we suggest you get acquainted with this website to learn more about solar and storage battery equipment, financing and other related topics at Solar United Neighbors. 

    Green Plan – We’re asking 1U members and friends to create a “Green Plan” for their homes, rental units, and condos so they are ready to make informed decisions about the “green” choices available when purchases are made. For example: replacing an air conditioner, deciding about a heat pump, window film benefits, electric vehicle ownership).  Look for more information in Weekly Update.

  • Green Sanctuary – The UUA offers a certification program for congregations ready to work alongside vulnerable communities in their local area.  We aspire to do this work in the future.  For more information, click here
  • Interfaith Environmental Alliance of Central Florida, a local and diverse group focused on using our religious and/or spiritual voices to create a greener, healthier metro area.  To join the mailing list, reach out to Mary Dipboye,   See their Facebook page here.
  • The Right to Clean and Healthy Water Constitution Amendment petition has started a NEW campaign for inclusion on the 2026 ballo. If you sign previoiusly that petition drive has expired.  Please sign this new petition
  • What is your green idea? There is always room for more environmental justice! For more information, email here.
  • See some of our recent activities here.


There Is Always Room for More Green Justice ~ When You Weigh In!