The 1st Unitarian Church of Orlando embraces and celebrates the diversity of thought, belief (and non-belief), background, lifestyle, and life experiences. We acknowledge and respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and practice justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. This practice is ours on Sunday mornings and throughout every relationship we have.

Our Sanctuary created history in 2015 with the first legal Gay weddings in Orlando.


Over our many years in Orlando, countless couples of all faith and non-faith backgrounds, sexual orientations, local and out-of-town couples, wedding parties large and small have celebrated their weddings in our sanctuary. We believe your wedding should be a beautiful and memorable event and we look forward to helping you make it such.


This stained glass window shows the flaming chalice… the symbol of our religion. The roots are etched with the names of many of the great world religions where we draw learning.


More Info

Please contact our church administrator with your wedding needs so we can give you more info.


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