“People come to church longing for, yearning for, hoping for … a sense of roots, place, belonging, sharing, and caring. People come to a church with a search for community.” — Glenn Turner 

A Different Way of Doing Church

 The Covenant Group program deepens and broadens personal spiritual growth.  The monthly Covenant Groups usually consist of six to ten members who covenant to meet monthly October through May. Each meeting is focused on a spiritual or religious topic. This year we are using the materials from Soul Matters, which is also used for worship services and religious enrichment (RE).

The goals are to:

  •     Listen and be listened to in a safe place
  •     Learn about the mysteries of our world and our spiritual paths
  •     Build new and deeper personal connections
  •     Maintain personal connections and a caring community

What Are Covenant Group Sessions Like?

 Each session includes the following parts:

  • Chalice lighting and Opening Words: Gathering in, settling down, reminding participants of the special opportunity of the gathering, possibly reflecting the topic of the session. The meeting begins with the lighting of the chalice.
  • Check-In: Participants share news of what has been happening in their lives. Each group develops its own customs as to the length of sharing. This portion of the meeting may expand from time to time when circumstances call for it.
  • Topic/Discussion: The focus each month will be on the Soul Matters topic for the month. Participants are given the materials in advance in order to think about which questions are important to them to discuss.
  • Check-Out: Likes and Wishes – this is an opportunity for feedback.
  • Closing Words and Chalice Extinguishing: This brings the formal session to an end. Groups are encouraged to start and end on time.

What Is Expected of Members?

 Group members are expected to commit to regular meeting times and to practice deep listening. Deep listening is a way of focusing intently on what another person is saying without interruption or simultaneously formulating a response. Deep listening also gives an individual an opportunity to speak without interruption or comment.

Covenant Groups for 2024-2025

This year’s overarching theme is:”The Practices of our Faith”.  We’re using this frame to focus on how Unitarian Universalism is a lived faith that inspires us to act, live, and love our values out in the world.:Put another way, we’re diving into our long-loved commitment to “deeds not creeds.” Our overarching frame is also a way for us to connect to our new UU core value of Liberating Love, with each of our monthly themes framed as a practice that helps us embody liberating love in our daily lives.

Topics this year include:

October:  Deep Listening
November:  Repair
December: Presence
January:  Story
February:  Inclusion
March:  Trust
April: Joy
May:  Imagination

Our covenant groups will meet October-May on the 3rd week of the month. Group members are asked to commit to attend their group each month.

Groups meet: Sunday pm online, Tue afternoon and Tue pm- at the church, Wed pm online, Lutheran Towers-time decided by the group

To sign up, please fill in the google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYTnFcf_mZw-fTRxvN1udj8Mq5c4Ukxot8Y0jxjS7Ykjfefg/viewform?usp=sharing