During the 2022 – 2023 church year the Board discussed and adopted the idea of developing a strategic plan for the congregation to think about our future. It comes as First Unitarian has accomplished much during a challenging time the past few years:

  • The loss of our minister
  • A period of a bridging minister
  • A period of an interim minister
  • Significant campus renovations
  • Calling and installation of a new minister
  • COVID, and a significant experiment in online communication and worship
  • A focused beginning to rebuilding the RE program, including hiring a full time DLRE

It is an exciting time at 1U and the question is “What’s Next”?  The strategic plan horizon is five years, 2024 – 2029. A 15-month timeframe is allotted for developing the plan, March 2023 – May 2024.

The task was assigned to the Governance Committee and committee discussions began in January 2023.  The Governance Committee established a Strategic Planning Task Force comprised of Kathy H, Linnea N, Joan N and Gregg B to carry out the work.

As mentioned at the congregation meeting we have interviewed a few people to allow us to think about our process and practice together as a team. To get you thinking about our future many of you submitted an aspiration for the congregation at our recent congregational meeting.  We will say a little more about those aspirations in an upcoming blog.

You can watch for progress reports here and in the 1U Blog.

Update  [12/18/23]

Issue Teams Being Formed

The Strategic Planning Task Force is beginning to focus on several issues for the congregation to think about. While the issues are not 100% finalized, the general issue areas are a sustainable congregation, spiritual development, community engagement and marketing/communication.  Small issue teams will be formed around each issue.  If you’d like to help with this short-term task beginning in January, let us know. Send an email to g.strategicplanning@orlandouu.orgor speak with a member of the task force. The main work will be brainstorming, research, and discussion.

Update [12/5/23]

First Unitarian Vision, Mission and Values

“Straw Poll”


The Strategic Planning Task Force has collaborated with a writing team to create potential statements that reflect the congregation’s input from surveys and workshops about mission, vision and values. While this poll is not an official vote, it will move us to the next steps in the process. 

As discussed at the congregational meeting, we are asking you to tell us your preferences!  We are beginning to narrow down choices, so be sure to add your voice to 1U’s future!! It will only take about 10 minutes.  

Here is the link, which closes December 23rd:  https://forms.gle/xZ8vRq8WW3ono7G86

We appreciate the support the congregation has provided so far!  As usual if you have questions, email us at g.strategicplanning@orlandouu.org; or contact Gregg, Kathy or Joan.

Update [11/16/23]

At the December 3 congregational meeting, the strategic planning task force will bring the congregation up to date on our efforts and we will present some thoughts on possible mission statements and a values set. We’ll ask your input- we look forward to sharing our progress!
As a refresher, here is our current mission statement:
The mission of the First Unitarian Church of Orlando is to exemplify liberal religion in Central Florida with a commitment to lifelong spiritual growth and compassionate service to the community.
And, our current set of values:

1. Spiritual Life

2. Social Justice and Environmental Action

3. Community

4. Stewardship

5. Culture

We will be begin to look at new options based on what we have learned to date at the congregational meeting.
Any questions, contact Joan Nelson, Kathy Homblette or Gregg Buckingham at


A Note of Introduction to SP Survey Results.  The SP Task Force is pleased to share the results of the recent survey.  When reviewing these highlights, it is important to keep a few points in mind as you process these summary results.

First, while the response rate was lower that we hoped for, the input received still provides rich data for the planning process next steps. Also, important to recognize is that the demographics of those who responded skews towards an older population. The SP Task Force is working diligently to ensure we have input from our families and younger members too.

Secondly, it is important when interpreting the results, to consider all the questions and responses in totality.  For example, the two equally popular reasons reported for the question “ Why Do You Attend 1U?” are 1) spiritual growth and 2) community. One might ask about why Justice,  Music and RE are not as prominently noted. Consider that they all are significant elements of the experiences of spiritual growth and community.  Also, all three are prominently noted as important “strengths” and “opportunities” of 1U in response to those questions.

Finally, if YOU have any questions, please let the SP Task Force know here.  We appreciate all participation in a process to shape planning for First Unitarian’s next five years.