Justice and Inclusion: You may want more, you may need more, you may just want to explore all that the Unitarian Univeralist Association offers in the arena of justice — Personal support, group support, national initiatives. Our principles guide us in all we do.

The College for Social Justice (UUCSJ)  encourages members and friends to put faith to work by offering experiential learning that inspires spiritually grounded action for social justice. This is a good place to learn about solidarity and sanctuary. Short term volunteer programs and Intern programs for students are some of the offerings.
The UU Ministry for Earth (UUMFE) empowers bold, accountable, faith-grounded action for Environmental Justice. This site offers you ways to get involved to “Respect life, Restore Earth, Renew Spirit.” Youth programs and opportunities for learning, advocacy, and action are offered. Partnerships for study and action are supported.

Create Climate Justice Net is a joint initiative of the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth, Unitarian Universalist Association Green Sanctuary Program, and the Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations.

Also, see 1U’s Green Team here.



Poor People’s Campaign  The UUA has  supported The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival  since 1968. It is uniting tens of thousands of people across the country to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation, and the nation’s distorted morality. Link directly to the Campaign here.

The UU WORLD online magazine is  published two times per year, but the website publishes new and original online-only content every week. UU World also publishes an email newsletter and audio recordings of selected stories. Every member is mailed an issue.

The InSpirit UU Book and Gift offers many resources to aid you in your search for meaning and truth.

1U’s Nora Staton Bookstore carries some of these books. The bookstore is open after church (approximately) quarterly in Gore Hall on Sunday during social hour.


Sometimes a 1U member or friend wants to find information about a specific topic.
 Climate & Environmental Justice 

All life is interconnected. From the forest to the sea to humanity itself, each thread of being is woven into a single fabric of existence. We embrace nature’s beauty and are in awe of its power. We care for our environment so that it may sustain life for generations to come.

Also, see 1U’s Green Team here.

Disability and Accessibility

1U welcomes all and intends our campus to be welcoming. The UUA encourages congregations to open wide their services and activities. Unitarian Universalists (UUs) are committed to welcoming and affirming people of all abilities.




Just as love knows no borders, our dedication to justice reaches across boundaries and walls. We show up on the side of love with all families, regardless of citizenship status, and we strive to create welcoming communities and congregations. We organize and advocate for immigration reform, for an end to detentions and deportations, and for a world where hands are extended in peace and care across borders and no one feels forced to leave home or risk death in pursuit of a decent life for their family.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Justice 

As UUs, we not only open our doors to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, we also value diversity of sexuality and gender and see it as a spiritual gift.

Curriculum, support for congregations, and support for individuals is available. Sign up and show up.

Think about forming a Team at 1U. Contact Justice@orlandouu.org


Multicultural Leadership & Inclusion    

Every person has value as a member of the human family. The suffering caused by racism must be ended if we want to create fair and loving communities. We work to end racial discrimination and injustice, starting within ourselves and moving out into the world around us. We support multiracial, multiethnic congregations and advocate for stopping racist policies like mass imprisonment and attacks on voting rights.


Racial Justice

We invite UUs of all ages and backgrounds to share their hopes and dreams for the role that Unitarian Universalists can play in advancing racial justice in the United States. Many UUs are already working with groups and campaigns, and others are still figuring out how they want to be involved.

Support and Action Groups:

Black Lives of UU Organizing Collective (BLUU )

Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM)

Allies for Racial Equity (ARE)

See Wrestling with Understanding of Racism and the 8th Principle Team at 1U.

Reproductive Justice 

Decisions about children, families, and sexuality are some of life’s most profound. We advocate not only for the freedom of those choices in each person’s life journey, but also for the ability of all families and communities to realize a sense of wholeness with regard to their sexual and reproductive lives.

Our secular partners include Strong Families and SisterSong.

UUA Social Justice Curricula

This link to the UUA website will take you to the UUA Social Justice curriculum website search results page where you can begin an exploration of various UUA Social Justice curricula.

Ware Lecture at General Assembly

The UUA President invites a distinguished guest each year to address the UUA General Assembly as the Ware Lecturer. The lecturer for this upcoming assembly of all Unitarian Universalists in Portland, Oregon — both in person and virtual — has not yet been determined.

The following people have spoken recently: Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade, Naomi Klein, Richard Bianco, Brittany Packnett, Bryan Stevenson, Krista Tippett, and Cornel West. Recordings, lecture transcripts and biographies of many of the lecturers going back to 1931 are available here.