Mystic Grove CUUPs is First Unitarian Church of Orlando’s pagan study group and Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPs) chapter.

Since 2001, we have served the Greater Orlando pagan community while promoting Unitarian Universalism! The Mystic Grove is made up of pagans from different paths as well as those people best defined as “free spirits.” Because of this, we have no “official path.” Ritual is led by a volunteer leader each time, and they may choose to do it in the style of their path. Though we vary in our pagan practices, we are all Unitarian Universalists or sympathize with UU values.


  • Provide a safe, welcoming place for UUs and pagans to gather where people of differing age groups and ability levels are free to participate.
  • Support UUs and pagans in their spiritual growth and encourage personal responsibility through educational opportunities and sharing the collective wisdom of past and present.
  • Provide information and opportunities for pagan and Unitarian Universalist networking to help promote understanding between people with different belief systems.
  • Provide meaningful, engaging, and vibrant pagan or Earth-centered worship.
  • Provide fellowship opportunities for people to socialize, laugh, and celebrate with our own brand of UU pagan flair!

Meetings, Activities, and Classes

We orient our activities against this general “flow” during the year:

  • 1st Sunday of the Month — Monthly Hybrid Meeting at 12:00pm in Gathering Space, both in person and over Zoom as pandemic allows
  • 3rd Saturday Fellowship — In person crafts, movies, fellowship,  etc. Topics vary.
  • Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice worship services are in the Sanctuary. Other solar celebration are on the closest Saturday to the date in Gore Hall. “Meet and Greet” Orientation at 6:30 PM with 7 PM ritual to follow.
  • Additional classes and worships are inserted into our calendar where applicable. We currently sponsor Herb Class and Drum Circle. 


Plan ahead for the offerings that interest you!

Download the Summer/Fall 2024 MG Brochure.

Download “Rituals Only” flier. 

We maintain a very lively Facebook events page.

Current Officers

  • Chair: TBA
  • Jr Chair: Barbara H.
  • Secretary: Mary M.
  • Treasurer: Lesley H.
  • Immediate Past Chair: Cat R.

Ritual Dates

Aug 3, 2024 Wep Ronpet: Kemetic New Year
6 PM Ritual, 7 PM Potluck in Gore Hall
We celebrate the Egyptian new year by painting and breaking clay pots.

Sept 21, 2024 Mabon Celebration
6 PM Ritual, 7 PM Potluck in Assembly Room
Celebrate the Autumn Equinox with us!

Nov 2, 2024 Samhain Celebration
6 PM Ritual, 7 PM Potluck in Gore Hall
Join us in honoring the dead by bringing a photo of your loved ones for the community altar.

Dec 21, 2024 Winter Solstice Evening Service
7 PM EST In Person in Sanctuary & Livestream
With readings, poems, songs and more — we celebrate the longest night of the year in the church Sanctuary.

Feb 1, 2025 Imbolc Celebration

6 PM Ritual, 7 PM Potluck in Gore Hall
We celebrate the start of spring.

March 22, 2025 Ostara Celebration.
6 PM Ritual, 7 PM Potluck in Gore Hall
Celebrate the height of the Spring Equinox with us!

May 3, 2025 Beltane Celebration

6 PM Ritual, 7 PM Potluck in Gore Hall
We welcome the start of summer!

June  21, 2025 Summer Solstice Morning Service
10:30 AM EST In Person in Sanctuary & Livestream
With readings, poems, songs and more — we celebrate the longest day of the year in the church Sanctuary.

Online Worship Samples

On Nov 28, 2021, we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Mystic Grove CUUPs by reflecting on how the various threads of our origin stories weave together. Learn about our church, Mystic Grove, and significant Earth-centered happenings in the bigger UU World.

You can also watch some of our other recorded worship and contributions to CUUPS General Assembly Worships.

More information

Come see us in person at any 1st Sunday meeting. Guests are always welcome!

You can also visit us online at Mystic Grove WordPress or  Mystic Grove FaceBook.

Email us at for more info.  You can also learn how to join Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans as an individual member.