Our church has both members and friends. Members are those people who’ve chosen to take the steps, defined by our Bylaws, to become formal voting members of the congregation. However, there are many people who attend worship and are involved in the community who are not formal members. These people are our friends—and it’s great to have friends. But congregations also need members—people who feel ready to make a special commitment to this congregation. This level of commitment is good for the congregation, of course, but it is also a joy for the persons making the commitment when they are ready to do so, because they believe that they have found their spiritual home.

Connect to the Congregation!

  • Attend worship regularly, in-person or online.
  • Drop by the Conversation Corner after service. Located in the foyer of Gore Hall, this is a chance to meet other seekers and 1U members, to ask questions and reflect on what happened during the service.
  • Conversations with the Minister is scheduled for most 3rd Sundays after service, usually in the Gore Hall foyer. Bring your questions about Unitarian Universalism, First Unitarian Church of Orlando, and/or Rev. Margalie Belizaire.
  • Enjoy fellowship and volunteer opportunities. Details can be found on this website, and in the Weekly Update.

Ready to Commit to Membership?

We ask those feeling ready to commit to membership to make sure that the understand the basics of both Unitarian Universalism and First Unitarian. One way to do this is to attend our Path to Membership Series, which we offer twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. Details about the membership process are discussed in one of the sessions.

Formally, the process of joining involves being at least 18 years old, signing the book of membership, and making a financial pledge. The membership will be accepted and registered at a meeting of the Board of Trustees and, 30 days after that, the new member has the right to vote at meetings of the congregation, as well as to hold elected office. New Members are welcomed into the congregation during worship services in December and May, and may choose to join anytime they are ready. 


The Membership Team is available for information and support during the membership process. Contact membership@orlandouu.org.