Similar to how the Personnel Committee looks after our paid staff, the Leadership Development Committee (LDC) looks after the well being of all our volunteers and coordinates across groups with the Group Leaders Council. LDC manages this listing of all groups. 

We have over 50 groups at our church! Some groups offer more than one type of activity (e.g., both classes and fellowship). We have arranged brief descriptions of them. and links to their page below. by the Ministry to which they have been assigned. We encourage you to participate in one or more of these groups and start making connections at our church. You do not have to be a 1U member to participate.

Our Board of Trustees is elected each year by the congregation. If you need to reach the 1U Board of Trustees, you can email the 1U Board secretary at

You can also visit the Volunteer Opportunities Fiesta, a separate mini website, created by the Leadership Development Committee every Fall for additional details about activities, events, and groups. 

If you are a group leader, please contact us at if your listing needs updating. 

Congregational Life Ministry

Care Team

Care TeamThe Care Team supports members and friends with practical help, such as rides and meals.

Fellowship Groups

Alliance — This group’s main focus is organizing high-quality donated items and selling them at their thrift shop in Gore Hall. (They also meet for fellowship!) Proceeds from their thrift store are donated to local charities. Contact

Black Cat Café Open Mic — A monthly open mic night on 2nd Fridays, either in Gore Hall or online over Zoom. Contact

Community Garden — Group that grows food on campus to share with others and promotes simple living. Contact

Fellowship Committee — Group that organizes fellowship socials for the church in Gore Hall, like the Easter potluck, Thanksgiving Dinner, Salad Sundays, and more. Contact

First Sunday Fellowship — Fellowship program where neighborhood groups meet on the first Sunday of each month to share a meal and socialize in restaurants (or online during the pandemic). Contact

Flower GardenGroup that tends the church’s flower garden for use in arrangements for the pulpit and for the Caring Circle to distribute. Contact

Parent Fellowship Group  — Fellowship group primarily for parents with kids from infants to college age, though others are 

RUUM (Retired UU Men) — Fellowship group for retired or nearly retired UU men. Contact

Social Hour — Team that serves refreshments after in-person Sunday services. Contact

WUURL (Women UUs Relishing Life) — Fellowship group for UU women. Contact

Membership Groups

Group Leaders Council — Gathering led by the Leadership Development Committee. This group comprises all church group leaders for the purpose of coordinating and collaborating church-wide. Contact

Leadership Development Committee — Looks after the well being of our volunteers, providing support and training.  Provides training for current and future leaders, Also helps new members discover their gifts and connects them to small groups. Contact

Membership Committee — Helps guests learn about Unitarian Universalism, about our church, and, if they want … transition from “guest” to “new church member!” Contact

Welcome Team — Volunteer ushers and greeters who welcome guests for Sunday services. For online services, this group is present in the chat box during worship and runs the online “Welcome Center” during online Social Hour as a breakout room. Contact

Governance Ministry

Auction TeamPlans and manages our auction of goods and services. Contact

Endowment Fund — “Legacy” trust fund that contributes annually to the church. Contact

Finance Committee — Reviews monthly financial reports and coordinates preparation of annual budget. Contact

Nominating Committee — Elected each year by the congregation. Identifies nominees for the Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee slates for the next church year. Contact

Personnel Committee — Looks after our paid staff. Contact

Stewardship Committee _- Plans and manages the Generosity Campaign, our annual pledge drive, and develops an annual Fundraising Plan for increasing income from our facilities and fundraisers.

Justice Ministry

8th Principle — Helps implement the congregation’s commitment to the proposed 8th Principle. Contact, 

Friends of New Image Youth Center— Coordinates with the New Image Youth Center. Contact

Green Team — Our environmental justice group. Plans to work on the Green Sanctuary program. Contact

Justice Council — Facilitates justice activities across existing and emerging justice teams. Contact

Serving the Community — Organizes activities that benefit the wider community. Two such activities are arranging for the blood donation bus to come to our campus, and organizing volunteers to help pack food at Second Harvest Food Bank in Orlando on even-numbered months. Contact

Share the Plate — Monthly collection of offertory donations to benefit local charities that have been nominated by our members. 100% of one offertory plate each month is donated to that charity. Contact

LRE Ministry [Learning]

Bookstore, Nora Staton Volunteers who sell Unitarian Universalist and related books (approximately) quarterly, during in-person coffee hour. Contact

Common Reads — For info about the latest common reads or book groups, contact

Covenant Groups — This group coordinates the various covenant groups of 10-12 people who meet for discussion and reflection. Contact

Lending Library — Dormant during the pandemic. Volunteers who manage our small 1U library. Contact

Meditation Group — People who gather Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:00pm for conversation around a specific topic related to mindfulness meditation, then experience a 20-minute sit. Members, friends, and all from the community are welcome. Contact

Mystic Grove CUUPS — 1U’s Pagan study group and Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans chapter offering classes, rituals, fellowship, and more. Contact

LRE Committee — Assists the DLRE in coordinating religious enrichment opportunities for learning across the lifespan, from children to adults. Contact

Tai Chi — Class meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9:00 to 10:00am. Members, friends, and all from the community are welcome. Contact

UU Wellspring — “What will you do with this one wild and precious life?” asks the poet Mary Oliver. UU Wellspring is a 10-month online or in-person program of distinctly Unitarian Universalist spiritual development designed to help participants answer that provocative question. Contact

Wrestling with Our Understanding of Racism — Adult enrichment class sponsored by the Justice Council. Contact

Young Adults Group — Covenant group and fellowship for those 18 to 35 years old. This group sometimes gathers for social events, too. Contact

Youth Group — Middle and high school youth group. Contact


Operations Ministry

Arts and Design Team — Responsible for seasonal art and decorations in our buildings. Contact

Buildings and Grounds Team — Ensures our buildings and grounds are well maintained and always look their best. Organizes volunteer work parties for building and campus improvement projects. Contact

Member Directory Team — Editors who help church members with their Instant Church Member Directory entries and teaches them how to use it. Contact

Operations Team —  Provides oversight and support to the teams in the Operations Ministry, with focus on maintenance of our facilities, campus safety and security, and internal and external communications.

Photos Team — Manages our online SmugMug photo galleries. If you have submissions for the collection, contact

Website Team —  Editors that manage and maintain our church’s website. Contact

Worship and Music Ministry

1U Central — The information table at social hour after worship, attended by our Program Assistant. Check here for the latest fliers and event information. Contact

A / V Tech Team — Provides tech support for live streaming the worship service over Facebook Live, YouTube, Zoom, etc. Contact

Chalice Choir — Our traditional four-part choir welcomes singers of all skill levels and ages, no experience necessary! Contact

Eclectic Music Collective (EMC) — Contemporary music group. Contact

Pulpit Flowers — Volunteers who bring flowers to decorate the pulpit for our Sunday services. Contact

Folk Ensemble — Folk music group. Contact

Music Committee — Works with Music Director to coordinate concerts by outside groups in the Sanctuary. Contact

Music Library — Volunteers who manage our music collection. Contact

Worship Associates and Helpers — These volunteers train as worship associates to assist the minister in providing Sunday worship  We also maintain a “talent pool” of helpers who serve as readers and chalice lighters. Contact