It is our intention to respect and appreciate ourselves and each other, and so we enter into this Covenant of Right Relations.   

Member to Self    We care for our mental and physical health, accept responsibility for our actions, and strive to know ourselves.  

Member to Minister   We understand that the minister cannot be all things to all people. We share our feelings with the minister in an honest and constructive way, and we treat the minister and the minister’s family with dignity, respect, and consideration.  

Member to Board   We communicate our concerns and comments to the Board, respecting that Board members are volunteers. We take responsibility for understanding church governance and program structure, and we commit to keeping informed of church business.  

Member to Member   We give support to and receive support from each other. We listen to the ideas, beliefs, and opinions of others and compassionately, and empathetically. We welcome new members and guests and include them in activities. We reach out to each other in times of need. We address conflict in an open and constructive manner.  

Member to Church   We support our church, financially and through service, to the best of our abilities. We ask ourselves how our own desires relate to what is best for the whole congregation. 

Member to Staff   We respect the staff’s time, assist as requested whenever possible, and express appreciation for work well done. We discuss any concern with a staff person with that person first. We respect the minister’s authority as Chief of Staff. We do not leave our work for staff or others to complete. We support UUA guidelines for compensation and benefits. 

Member to Community-at-Large   In interactions with our community, we promote our church as a center for liberal religion; work for social justice for our community and the world; strive to contribute to the greater good of society; and honor our UU principles through our actions.  

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