Similar to how the Personnel Committee looks after our paid staff, the Leader Development Committee looks after all our volunteers and coordinates across groups with the Group Leaders Council. 

This committee’s main role is to provide new and existing church leaders with ongoing support and training. We also help church members discern their special gifts and talents and how they might use them to engage with the Mission and Vision of the congregation. Furthermore, we help guests and church members find the small groups and opportunities in which they might like to participate.

Our main projects are…

  • Holding a Leaders Orientation once a year to connect new and returning leaders with the tools they need to do their volunteer jobs with confidence.
  • Planning and hosting the monthly Group Leaders Council meeting to provide leaders with a space to hear church news, network with each other, and get the mini trainings of the month. 
  • Offering Adult RE classes, computer tutoring, and other training deemed useful to church leaders, church members, and guests.
  • Maintaining a resource library, including our video tutorials housed at our 1U Leadership YouTube Channel.
  • Hosting the Fall “Volunteer Opportunity Fiesta” to showcase the groups and programs; this helps church members and guests find the teams and activities in which they might want to participate that year. 
  • Hosting the Spring “Discovery Event” for church members and guests to help them figure out their own unique talents and where they could apply them while contributing to the richness of church life. 
  • Promoting General Assembly during the spring, along with other regional or national UUA events that provide volunteers of all kinds with enrichment opportunities.

Join the Team

Our work is largely done from home. Basic computer experience with email, Internet access, and Zoom is a must. We can teach you other skills.

If you want to be on the Leadership Development Committee, there are many ways to help, depending on your skills. You can be a trainer or teacher, a Zoom tech, a photographer or videographer, or a helper who assembles tutorial videos and screencasts or creates documents, infographics, fliers, and more. 

Interested? Please email