Your Website Team has two major goals:
  1. Offering the public, especially those looking for a new church home, extensive information about who we are, our beliefs, what to expect in worship, our programs, and our history.
  2. Providing our members and friends with more information about opportunities to expand their personal spiritual growth and serve 1U and our community, along with more details about both planned and past events.
Major changes in the last few years include:
  1.  A streamlined, cleaner look.
  2. Easier navigation. In addition to the navigation ribbon at the top of each page to move between sections 
    1. All the pages in each section are listed on the navigation panel on the left side of every page.
    2. There are many navigation links in blue within the text, providing quick access to other parts of the website that are relevant.
  3. Much more information, including pages for every group at 1U! Groups are listed in broad categories within the Worship, Learning, Justice and Congregational Life, Governance and Operations sections. Individual groups can easily be found in the List of All Groups, or using the search function.
  4. Expanded Learning and Justice sections. 
  5. An expanded About Us section, including our covenant and a statement of our core values, an improved description of the campus, including maps showing the location of our buildings and nearby parking areas, and more details about accessibility to buildings and programs.
  6. Easy access to the login page of our new Member Directory, and instructions for members to join the Directory.
Direct Support to all our Groups

We are currently comprised of a team of “editors” who are church members. Our goal is for each 1U group to have a website editor assigned to provide direct support for their website page, including updating text and graphics, as well as links to any additional information linked to their group’s page. 

We are planning some more exciting additions to the website, which we will sharing with you in the next few months. Watch this page for updates!

Questions and Feedback
We welcome your questions and feedback, both positive and constructive.
Please write to us at
Your Website Team

Webmaster, vacant

Cat R.

John H.

Carolina L.

Martha H.

Melinda R.

Ellen T.

Nora B.  Staff liaison