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First Unitarian Church of Orlando

1901 East Robinson Street
Orlando FL 32803
(407) 898-3621

In Person and online Sunday Services at 10:30am

Adult RE Walks & Talks

Lift your spirit through nature, walking and conversation.
John Muir said, “I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” When we walk we slow down, we notice the surroundings around us, we breathe. There are also reports of the health benefits of walking. In this religious education offering, four walks will be held on different Saturdays with a follow-up discussion on Sunday morning. The walks will be in different environments, urban and rural and will be held on Saturday mornings. There may be a prompt or two for conversation during the walk, or we may just enjoy being together and moving. On Sunday after the walk, we’ll talk about the walk, and walking and hiking in general. You can attend the walk, or the talk, or both. Everyone is welcome even if you don’t walk. Share your experiences walking and hiking – have you hiked a trail, had an experience to share from the trail? Bring pictures or videos to share. Our new Article II has several values related to this activity including: “Interdependence. We honor the sacred interdependent web of all existence. With humility we understand our place in the web,” and Generosity: “We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope.” This course is being offered by Gregg Buckingham.  Questions? Contact

A week or so before each walk the logistics will be published in the Weekly Update.

WALKS are scheduled for Saturdays 11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 2/8 with TALKS the Sunday morning following the walks, 11/10, 12/15, 1/12, 2/9.


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Nov 10 2024


9:15 am - 10:15 am


Gathering Space